Enabling traditional staging solutions doubles the resources required on your live servers. (Or, in other words, it cuts the potential accounts per server in half...)
s4h allows you to separate all staging environments from your live resources. Now you can create hardware strategies based on your actual business needs.
In addition to separating your resources, the staging4hosters platform is self hosted (VMs you can grow or shrink based on demand - after all, we promised you control). This gives you even more ability to fine tune your resource planning and limits the external dependencies you have to rely on.
Best of all, your customers connect to the s4h platform through a cPanel/DirectAdmin or custom plugin allowing you to run s4h transparently as an integral part of your brand.
We are currently supporting hosters/clients with cPanel and DirectAdmin hosting control panels out of the box. We can support other hosting environments if needed. On supported systems we can provide staging services for WordPress, Joomla! and PrestaShop installations, static site conversion however, are available only for WordPressand Joomla! sites.
According to zdnet.com, WordPress accounted for 90% of all hacked CMS sites in 2018.
Our built-in static site generator reduces the attack surface of any site by over 95%! By generating a static, html only, site neither you or your customers have to worry about a zero-day attack vector anymore. Even better, it removes the urgency in which CMS and plugin/extension updates have to be applied.
Contact forms, (and most other "simple" forms for that matter), are replaced on the fly with a standarized, secure, and api-driven endpoint allowing most of your customers to use Staging&Static as a drop in replacement without any additional work.